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North Oxon Pub of the Year 2025
1st February 2025

It is time to start choosing the North Oxon pub of the Year for 2025.

If you follow the link below you can download and print your voting form, which you will need to take when you visit the six contenders:

Click here for the voting form.

All members are invited to attend the vote count at Hook Norton Brewery, Brewery Lane, Hook Norton, OX15 5NY at 11:00am on Saturday 8th March.

North Oxon Pub of the Year 2024 Presentation
1st May 2024

On Thursday 9th May the branch will be presenting the North Oxfordshire CAMRA Pub of the Year, The White Horse, Banbury with their certificate.

The White Horse would like to invite you to support the presentation evening and as a thank you enjoy a pint of cask ale (no alternatives) and raise a glass to their proud moment and entry into the regional finals. See their Facebook event page or call into the pub for more information.

The presentation will be at 8pm. Hope to see you there.

North Oxon Pub of the Year 2023 Presentation
28th June 2023

On Saturday 1st July the Branch will be presenting our Pub of the Year, The Butchers Arms at Balscote with their certificate

Please come along to enjoy the beer and help celebrate.

The presentation will be at 2.30pm. Hope to see you there.

North Oxon Pub of the Year 2023 Winner
12th March 2023

I'm pleased to announce that The Butchers Arms, Balscote has been voted the North Oxon CAMRA branch Pub of the Year 2023! Congratulations to all of the team there.

We had fantastic feedback from the branch members who took part in the voting this year. Everybody received a friendly welcome, and a great pint of beer, in all of the shortlisted pubs. The final tally was close, but ultimately The Butchers Arms deservedly took the top spot.

Thank you to everybody who took part: the teams at all of the short-listed pubs, all of the committee who organised the competition, and of course all of the branch members who visited the pubs and cast their vote.

North Oxon Pub of the Year 2023
6th February 2023

It is time to start choosing the North Oxon pub of the Year for 2023.

If you follow the link below you can download and print your voting form, which you will need to take when you visit the six contenders:

Click here for the voting form.

All members are invited to attend the vote count at The Wriggly Monkey Brewery, Bicester, OX26 5HA at 11:00am on Saturday 11th March (venue open from 10:00am).

North Oxon CAMRA Branch AGM 2022
20th September 2022

The North Oxfordshire CAMRA Branch AGM will be taking place on Monday October 10th 2022 at 20:00, at the White Horse Inn, Duns Tew.

All branch members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

We will be electing our Branch Officers for the coming year. If you are interested in getting involved please contact the Chairman (, Lynne Baldwin, who will be happy to provide you with more information.

For details of the agenda click here.

Back the White Horse
1st August 2022

The community of Stonesfield are campaigning to have their last village pub, The White Horse, reopened.

You can help by buying shares (see

You can also show your support by joining the community on the green outside the pub on Sunday 21st August (14:00 - 16:00). Bring a picnic and your (symbolically) empty beer glasses. They will fill them with FREE beer from Little Ox brewery on a first-come first-served basis.

North Oxon Pub of the Year 2022
22nd February 2022

It is time to start choosing the North Oxon pub of the Year for 2022.

If you follow the link below you can download and print your voting form, which you will need to take when you visit the four contenders:

Click here for the voting form.

COVID-19 Update - #PullingTogether
28th March 2020

Pubs, breweries and taprooms are fighting for their very survival against the Coronavirus. Many are finding different and innovative ways to help their business weather the crisis.

Whether this is by launching hot food deliveries, encouraging locals to buy 'gift cards' for the summer or crowdfunding, there are plenty of ways that you can help support your favourite local business.

WhatPub has been updated to add an "additional services" filter so you can see whether your local is offering takeaway or other additional services during the COVID-19 crisis.

This is maintained by CAMRA volunteers so if you're aware of any pubs that offer services but are not listed then let us know - there is a Submit Updates link in WhatPub

2020 Pub Of The Year (POTY) Voting
8th January 2020

The six finalists for the North Oxon Pub Of The Year (POTY) have been selected because they have received the highest average marks throughout the year as sent in by you, the membership.

Please play your part in the selection of our Pub of the Year by visiting all six and once you have done so, place them in your chosen order!

Click here for the voting form.

There are some spaces available on the minibus to take members to visit each of the short-listed pub of the year (POTY) pubs. This will be taking place on Saturday 15th February 2020.

The bus will leave Banbury at 11:00 and return at about 18:30.

Cost will be £16. Please contact Paul (paul@northoxon) to book your space.

North Oxon Branch Hosting CBOB Golden Ales Regional Finals
3rd - 6th October 2019

North Oxfordshire branch is organising the judging for the London and South East Regional Finals of CAMRA's Champion Beer of Britain (CBOB) Golden Ales category. The selected golden ales will be presented in a CBOB Golden Ales mini-festival kindly hosted by The Rose and Crown at Charlbury (OX27 3PL) which will run during the pub's normal opening hours from Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October. The excellent range of golden ales in the regional finals list are from breweries such as Binghams, Burning Sky, Downton, Flowerpots, Kent, Loddon, Red Cat and Twickenham.

Judging panel sessions will be held during the event and the resulting winning ale will go forward to the Golden Ales category of the CBOB national finals held at GBBF at Olympia in August 2020. As well as the official judging panels, there will be tasting notes and scorecards for those who wish to do their own tasting, scoring and best golden ale selection.

Travel options to get to the Rose and Crown for the festival are by car - ideally with drop off and collection by a designated non-drinking driver, or by public transport. Trains from Oxford, Kingham and Moreton in Marsh stop at Charlbury station. Buses from Oxford, Woodstock and Chipping Norton, including the S3, stop at Charlbury.

During the festival there will be a regular beers and ciders selection on offer, and on the Thursday evening there will be excellent pizzas available from Velo Pizzeria to assist with beer absorption. Come along and support the The Rose and Crown and the local CAMRA branch, while enjoying the selection of great golden ales.

Branch AGM
15th July 2019, 20:00

The North Oxon CAMRA Branch AGM is taking place at 20:00 on Monday 15th July at The Chequers in Chipping Norton.

Please come along and enjoy a pint and find out whats happening with the branch.

We will be electing our Branch Officers for the coming year, so if there is something you are interested in being involved in, then please contact the Chairman and I will be happy to give you more information. You are equally welcome of course, to attend and either sit back and listen, or ask questions.

For details of the agenda click here.

Social - Beer and Food Pairing on Thursday, 2nd May

Monty is leading a social evening on Thursday, 2nd May which is beer and food matching with a difference.

Starting in the Bailiff's Tap at 7.30pm, we'll see how a locally sourced pork pie goes down with the beers on tap (it is hoped to have a mild ale on offer) and if that doesn't do it for you there'll be mustard and chutney to see how your Umami taste buds will cope.

Next, as it's a Thursday, at 8.30pm we'll be in The Exchange for their 'Spoons Curry Club to find if a true IPA or anything else can cut through or complement the spicy curry of your choosing.

The dessert course will be taken in The Reindeer at 9.30pm (we hope to persuade an expert local brewer to join us here). Here we'll be looking to match, compare or contrast Apple Pie and Wensleydale cheese or a Black Forest Gateau with any of the Hooky beers on offer, before finishing up for another beer or two with some unusual cheeses in the White Horse around 10.30pm.

So do please book Thursday, 2nd May in your diaries. You can dip into as many, few or all parts of the evening as you like at the times listed above. With the exception of your choice of curry, all other dishes (nibble sizes) will be provided and you only have to pay for the beer you consume and your taxi home!

See Beer on Tap Issue 76 for more details and get in touch with Monty (07711 257716, by Sunday, 21st April if you're interested in attending (so that we know numbers).

2019 Pub Of The Year (POTY) Voting
12th January 2019

The six finalists for the North Oxon Pub Of The Year (POTY) have been selected because they have received the highest average marks throughout the year as sent in by you, the membership.

Please play your part in the selection of our Pub of the Year by visiting all six and once you have done so, place them in your chosen order!

Click here for the voting form.

All members are invited to attend the vote count at The Angel, Bicester at 11:00am on Saturday 9th March .

New £2.2 Million Funding Announced for Community Run Pubs
8th December 2018

A major new funding programme from Power to Change has been announced to help communities seeking to save their local pub through community ownership.

Click here for more information.

Church Hanbrewery Nano Pub
6th October 2018

Church Hanbrewery is opening a concept shop and nano pub called Teardrop in the Covered Market, Oxford.

The brewery are also running a crow funding campaign to support and promote this project:

Geoff Clifford Memorial Service
19th September 2018

There will be a memorial service for Geoff Clifford on Friday 21st September at 2pm at Charlbury Church.

Geoff was the editor of Beer On Tap for many years and a long standing Branch Activist who will be much missed.

Time To Vote For Your Champion 2019
5th September 2018

It's time to vote for the Champion Beer of Britain 2019 - and every CAMRA member has the opportunity to have a say in who wins. So why not get involved and vote for your favourites?

To give beers from all parts of the country an equal chance of being nominated for the competition, you vote for beers from your area.
Voting is now open and closes at midnight on 1st November 2018.

To vote, go to the CBoB website and log in using your CAMRA membership number and password.

Branch AGM
16th July 2018

The North Oxon CAMRA Branch AGM is taking place at 20:00 on Monday 16th July at The Sun Inn, Hook Norton (note this is a change of venue).

All members are welcome and encouraged to come along. This is an important meeting; the branch can only do what its members are willing and able to get involved with so this is your chance to come and have your say.
Without the help of everyone who can do their bit we can’t campaign for real ale in great pubs. Hope to see you all there!

For details of the agenda click here.

15th Century Real Ale Pub in the Cotwolds Re-opening
12th June 2018

The Chequers pub in Chipping Norton is re-opening on the 22nd June 2018 following its refurbishment. The decor will further enhance the experience of the Real Ale drinkers who visit the pub, plus there are special deals on beer during the re-opening week.

For more information visit the pub's website on Facebook.

Champion Beer of Festival Awards 2018
20th May 2018

Congratulations go to Thornbridge Brewery for their fantastic delicious Lucaria 6% ice cream porter winning Champion Beer of CAMRA Banbury Beer & Cider Festival, May 2018.

We would also like to congratulate Littleover Brewery (The Panther 4.2% oatmeal stout) and Mad Squirrel Brewery (De La Nut 4.5% hazelnut porter) who were jointly awarded Silver in Beer of Festival awards CAMRA Banbury Beer & Cider Festival, May 2018. Well done to both breweries.

Rose & Crown, Charlbury Wins Oxfordshire CAMRA Pub Of The Year
18th May 2018

Well done to the Rose & Crown, Charlbury for winning the Oxfordshire Pub Of The Year competition.

The Rose & Crown were up against White Hart, Headington (Oxford CAMRA), Flowing Spring, Playhatch (South Oxfordshire CAMRA) and Royal Oak, Wantage (White Horse CAMRA) and now go on to the Regional CAMRA Pub Of The Year competition. Good luck!

Banbury Beer & Cider Festival 2018
14th May 2018

The Banbury Beer & Cider Festival is now over for another year. Thank you to all who came to sample yet another exceptional selection of beers and ciders and also many thanks to those of you who volunteered and helped at the festival.
We would love to hear your feedback about the festival; what did you like, what could we improve next year?

Click here to send us your feedback.

Get in contact with the committee if you would like to get involved with the planning of Banbury Beer & Cider Festival 2019.

National Executive Election Results
24th April 2018

Congratulations to Lynn Atack who was voted onto CAMRA’s National Executive at the 2018 Annual General Meeting in Coventry.
Nik Antona was returned as member of the National Executive. Lynn Atack, Ash Corbett-Collins and Gillian Hough were voted in as new members of the National Executive.
Click here for full details of the results on the What's Brewing website.


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